Elastic only receiving partial logstash events?

Hi All,
I have a logstash forwarding syslog events from multiple applications on a single server:

input {

      tcp {
        port => 514
        type => syslog
      udp {
        port => 514
        type => syslog
    filter {
      if [type] == "syslog" {
        grok {
          match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{DATA:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?: %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}" }
          add_field => [ "received_at", "%{@timestamp}" ]
          add_field => [ "received_from", "%{host}" ]
        syslog_pri { }
        date {
          match => [ "syslog_timestamp", "MMM  d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss" ]
    output {
      elasticsearch { host => localhost }
      stdout { codec => rubydebug }

Elastic is only receiving logs from one application, and not another, however, I see both in the stdout. Any idea what may cause this?

Elasticsearch 1.5.2
Kibana 4.0.2
Logstash 1.5.0

Are the formats the same for both? As your grok pattern will be forced on them and if it doesn't match you should be seeing _grokparsefailures.

The formats are just about the same.

It's actually weird, the grokparsefailure messages are showing, but the ones without failures aren't. I'm truly stumped