Elastic Search 2nd node install is not updating elasticsearch.yml per instructions

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New to Elastic Search
Working on a Proof of concept.
(environment is air-gapped if it matters)

Using these instructions
Tutorial 1: Installing a self-managed Elastic Stack | Elastic Installation and Upgrade Guide [8.17] | Elastic

Install of Elastic Search 8.17 on the second node of the cluster went fine, however the elasticsearch.yml is not updating like these instructions state:

"Notice that, as a result of having run the elasticsearch-reconfigure-node tool, certain settings have been updated. For example:

  • The transport.host: setting is already uncommented.
  • The discovery_seed.hosts setting has the value that you added for network_host on the first Elasticsearch node. As you add each new Elasticsearch node to the cluster, the discovery_seed.hosts setting will contain an array of the IP addresses and port numbers to connect to each Elasticsearch node that was previously added to the cluster."

The transport.host: has been uncommented
The 'discovery_seed.hosts' still shows the default values. My understanding is that during enrollment this value should be updated with the ip address of the first host.

I've repeated the steps in the instructions 3 times and the discovery_seed.hosts value is not updating when new nodes are enrolled into the cluster.

Did you install from RPM as per that tutorial?

What output did you get when you ran elasticsearch-reconfigure-node?

I can't copy/paste the output as the system is air-gapped, but the install of Elasticsearch via rpm completes without issue.

I run the elasticsearch-reconfigure-node script and it runs without issue.

When I look at the elasticsearch.yml the only field that has been updated is the transport host.

Another thing to note:
The output of the reconfigure-node script states that the 'certs' folder should be deleted. It has not been, it's still present under /etc/elasticsearch.