Elastic Search Aggregation and Complex Query

I have created the index

PUT ten2
	"mappings": {
		"documents": {
			"properties": {
				"title": {
					"type": "text",
					"fields": {
						"raw": {
							"type": "keyword"
				},"uid": {
					"type": "text",
					"fields": {
						"raw": {
							"type": "keyword"
				"publish_details": {
					"type": "nested",
					"properties": {
						"environment": {
							"type": "keyword"
						"locale": {
							"type": "keyword"
						"time": {
							"type": "date"
						"version": {
							"type": "integer"

and added documents into it. here is the list of documents:

	"_index": "ten2",
	"_type": "documents",
	"_id": "blt69b62b48bbed1fb6_en-us",
	"_source": {
		"publish_details": [{
				"environment": "blt603fe91adbdcff66",
				"time": "2020-06-24T12:11:25.276Z",
				"locale": "en-us",
				"user": "bltaadab2f531206e9d",
				"version": 1
				"environment": "blt603fe91adbdcff66",
				"time": "2020-06-24T12:11:25.276Z",
				"locale": "hi-in",
				"user": "bltaadab2f531206e9d",
				"version": 1
		"title": "Entry 1",
		"uid": "blt69b62b48bbed1fb6"
	"_index": "ten2",
	"_type": "documents",
	"_id": "blt69b62b48bbed1fb6_mr-in",
	"_source": {
		"publish_details": [{
			"environment": "blt603fe91adbdcff66",
			"time": "2020-06-24T12:12:35.467Z",
			"locale": "mr-in",
			"user": "bltaadab2f531206e9d",
			"version": 1
		"title": "Entry 3",
		"uid": "blt69b62b48bbed1fb6"
	"_index": "ten2",
	"_type": "documents",
	"_id": "blt4044c5198122a3ed_en-us",
	"_source": {
		"publish_details": [{
			"environment": "blt603fe91adbdcff66",
			"time": "2020-06-24T12:10:46.430Z",
			"locale": "en-us",
			"user": "bltaadab2f531206e9d",
			"version": 1
			"environment": "blt603fe91adbdcff6690",
			"time": "2020-06-24T12:10:46.430Z",
			"locale": "en-us",
			"user": "bltaadab2f531206e9d",
			"version": 1
		"title": "Entry 10",
		"uid": "blt4044c5198122a3ed"

and I want the following result

	"_index": "ten2",
	"_type": "documents",
	"_id": "blt4044c5198122a3ed_en-us",
	"_source": {
		"publish_details": [{
			"environment": "blt603fe91adbdcff66",
			"time": "2020-06-24T12:10:46.430Z",
			"locale": "en-us",
			"user": "bltaadab2f531206e9d",
			"version": 1
			"environment": "blt603fe91adbdcff6690",
			"time": "2020-06-24T12:10:46.430Z",
			"locale": "en-us",
			"user": "bltaadab2f531206e9d",
			"version": 1
		"title": "Entry 10",
		"uid": "blt4044c5198122a3ed"


I am using the following query to get the result

GET ten2/_search
	"query": {
		"bool": {
			"must": [{
				"bool": {
					"must_not": [{
						"bool": {
							"must": [{
								"nested": {
									"path": "publish_details",
									"query": {
										"term": {
										"publish_details.environment": "blt603fe91adbdcff66"
							}, {
								"nested": {
									"path": "publish_details",
									"query": {
										"term": {
											"publish_details.locale": "en-us"
							}, {
								"nested": {
									"path": "publish_details",
									"query": {
										"term": {
											"publish_details.locale": "hi-in"
							}, {
								"nested": {
									"path": "publish_details",
									"query": {
										"term": {
											"publish_details.locale": "mr-in"

kindly help me with a query to get the expected result. The first two documents having the same uid only publish_details.locale is different. I am using must query within must_not to get the result, currently I am getting all three documents but I want only the last one. I have a million documents.

uid of the first two documents are the same that means uid: blt69b62b48bbed1fb6 is published on all 3 locales. so I don't want that document in the result.

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