Oh, thanks.
Very good questions.
2013/6/15 Jörg Prante joergprante@gmail.com
The answer depends.
Although Elasticsearch is not a store but an index, it can be used as a
store, for many use cases. Without defining the use case, it is impossible
to give a solid answer.
If you examine the techology stacks of CouchDB, MongoDB, Elasticsearch,
you will find what you need to know for your personal decision because only
you know best what data you have and how you want them to get processed.
Maybe it helps to rethink the question about "primary data store" a little
bit. With primary data store, many people associate a SPOF where all the
writes go to first, often cotnrolled by transactional operations. Such a
SPOF does not exist in ES at all.
These questions may help to get a bigger picture. CouchDB, MongoDB,
Elasticsearch give all different answers to them.
do you want to use Lucene features? Analyzers? Facets?
do you want scalable indexing and search with shards and replicas?
do you have full-text documents, or data in hierarchical trees, or graph
do you want polyglot persistence? do you want to use data persistence?
Or object persistence?
do you want multi tenancy? Does each client bring his own data and
method/technlogy of indexing/searching?
do you have fast moving small pieces of data? do you want fast writes
(updates)? Can you rebuild indexes often, can you incrementally push
updates? Do you modify whole indexes or single documents or values in
fields of a document?
do you need robust backup/restore?
and much more (e.g. ease of setup/configuration, ease of administration,
ease of scaling, ...)
To sum up some limits of ES, there is no support for participating in
transcactional operations, writes are much slower than reads, and there is
no support for large streaming content and blobs because it is built on
JSON and HTTP REST (some people want to store some binary GB sized blobs in
a single field which is rarely a suitable use case for a search engine).
Am 15.06.13 06:40, schrieb Fatima Castiglione Maldonado 发:
Interesting, really interesting.
I am new to Elasticsearch (less than 1 month) but I am learning a lot in
this list.
What I have seen on the web is that people are using
CouchDB+Elasticsearch, or MongoDB+Elasticsearch, and they say that it is
worth paying the price of more moving parts.
Why so?
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Fátima Castiglione Maldonado
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