I got the good indexing performance (1300+ doc/sec) in single node. but in cluster of 3 nodes, getting less performance (800-900 doc/sec).
ES cluster deployed in AWS EC2 Linux servers with 15GB RAM. Heap size set to 5GB in each node.
elasticsearch.yml file configuration in below for 3 nodes
cluster.name: NSES
node.name: satellite1/satellite2/satellite3
node.master: TRUE/TRUE/TRUE
node.data: FALSE/TRUE/TRUE
bootstrap.mlockall: TRUE/TRUE/TRUE
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 1/1/1
discovery.zen.ping.timeout: 30s
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["[9200-9300],[Node2 public IP]:[9200-9300],[Node3 public IP]:[9200-9300]"] #vice versa for other nodes
cloud.aws.access_key: [given same value for 3 nodes]
cloud.aws.secret_key: [given same value for 3 nodes]
discovery.type: "ec2"
discovery.ec2.groups: [given same value for 3 nodes]
discovery.ec2.host_type: public_ip
discovery.ec2.ping_timeout: 30s
discovery.ec2.availability_zones: ap-northeast-1c
cloud.aws.region: ap-northeast
discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: FALSE
network.publish_host: [current machine public ip]
plugin.mandatory: cloud-aws
marvel.agent.enabled: TRUE
Is there any YML configuration has to change/add. OR is there any ES configuration changes has to do.
My expected document count will be 2500+ docs/sec for 3 nodes.