Elastic search configuration with kibana and nodes

I have 2 master node of elasticsearch 7.5.2 and 3 data nodes & 1 seperate node for kibana
following is the config files.

Elasticsearch master1 & master2 ( elasticssearch.yml )

cluster.name: Es_Cluster
node.name: ES_master1
node.master: true
node.data: false
path.data: /opt/Gcti/elasticsearch 7.5.2/ data
path.logs: /opt/Gcti/logs/elasticsearch
network.host: x.x.x.46
discovery.seed_hosts: ["x.x.x.49","x.x.x.48","x.x.x.47","x.x.x.46","x.x.x.45"]
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["ES_master1","ES_master2"]

Node 1, node 2, node 3 ( elasticssearch.yml )

cluster.name: Es_Cluster
node.name: ES_Data1
node.master: false
node.data: true
path.data: /opt/Gcti/elasticsearch 7.5.2/ data
path.logs: /opt/Gcti/logs/elasticsearch
network.host: x.x.x.47
discovery.seed_hosts: ["x.x.x.49","x.x.x.48","x.x.x.47","x.x.x.46","x.x.x.45"]
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["ES_master1","ES_master2"]


server.host : "elxxx3"
elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://elxxx1:9200","http://elxxx2:9200"] ( master hostname )
===============================================================================so this my configuration now through fluend i have created pods to send the logs to my Elasticsearch and i am able to see index name in my kibana but in index no data logs its just creating name with 566b so any mistake in my configuration .. can anyone help me in that

That is not ideal, because there is no majority of 2 so you cannot form a quorum.

7.5 is EOL, please upgrade ASAP.

You would need to check fluentd and see what is happening there.

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