Elastic search function score query

I want result which is based on 3 things CreationDate 65% , cars 20%, motorbike 15%

Data which is inserted in elasticsearch

"created": "2018-03-20T14:19:15Z",
"username": "adamcharles",
"stats": {
  "cars": 20,
  "motorbike ": 30
"created": "2017-03-20T14:19:15Z",
"username": "adamcharles",
"stats": {
  "cars ": 100,
  "motorbike ": 20

query of elastic search

GET showroom/_search

 "query": { 
          "functions": [
              "gauss": {
                "created": {
                  "origin": "now",
                  "scale": "10d", 
                  "decay" :0.9
              "field_value_factor": {
                "field": "stats.motorbike",
                "factor": 15,
                "modifier": "sqrt",
                "missing": 1
              "field_value_factor": {
                "field": "stats.cars",
                "factor": 20,
                "modifier": "sqrt",
                "missing": 1
            }          ], 
          "score_mode": "sum",
          "boost_mode": "sum"

how can i apply factor on created date

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