I am try to get final price of each product of orders bu not able to calculate.
The Document sample :
Order Index :
"order_id": "123",
"customer": "John Doe",
"deliveryFee": 40,
"items": [
"product": "Laptop",
"price": 1200,
"quantity": 1
"product": "Mouse",
"price": 25,
"quantity": 1
The Response i am expecting (product wise Total price like below ) :
"Price" : 1240 //(price + deliveryfee)*quantity
"Price" : 65 //(price + deliveryfee)*quantity
The Query :
"aggs": {
"AllProductPrice": {
"nested": {
"path": "items"
"aggs": {
"field": "items.product.keyword",
"size": 10
"totalProductPrice": {
"sum": {
"script": {
"source":"return (doc['deliveryFee'].value * doc['item.Price']) * doc['item.quantity']"
The Main challanges is we are not able to get doc['deliveryFee'].value . Because we have used nested path aggrigation. So i used back reverse nested But its also not working.2024-12-08T18:30:00Z