Elastic Search Regex are not working as expected

have go the problem in making Elasticsearch regex work. I have a document that looks like this:

{"content": "My name is Akesh Jadhav."}

I have tried the following regex "Akesh\sJadhav" to match the Akesh Jadhav with the regex query. I use a keyword field but this regex doesn't work. Can you suggest me correct regex to get my result and one thing I want to perform this search with regex only.

Hi @Akesh_Jadhav

Did you use regex query?
I recommend this doc (regex sintax) too.

Yes, Using regex query for single space in between the word,
POST 481046270_mails/_search
{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "term": { "isEmbedded": { "value": false } } }, { "bool": { "should": [ { "regexp": { "hTMLBody.not_analyzed": { "value": "malicious\sip" } } } ] } } ] } } }

If you are embedding the \ inside JSON then you need to escape it, otherwise the JSON parser will treat \s as s

{ "regexp": { "hTMLBody.not_analyzed": { "value": "malicious\\sip" } } }

Hi, we have already tried this approach but are still not getting results.

this is my data

and my query is

The regexp query matches terms, not substrings.

If you want to find malicious ip anywhere in the hTMLBody.not_analyzed field, then you need
{ "regexp": { "hTMLBody.not_analyzed": { "value": ".*malicious\\sip.*" } } }

Note that this will be quite slow.