Elastic Serverless Forwarder Cannot Connect to my Elastic Cloud Deployment


I'm having trouble sending CloudWatch logs to Elastic Cloud via Elastic Serverless Forwarder (ESF). I've configured my config.yml per the official elastic documentation. I also enabled the DEBUG logs to add verboseness. I then found error "Forbidden due to traffic filtering". Is there anyway to see these Traffic Filtering logs in Elastic Cloud? So that I may add the IP to my Elastic Cloud deployment? Or am I missing a step to allow this connection? Will deploying APM to the ESF show me more details?

config.yaml -

  - type: "kinesis-data-stream"
    id: "arn:aws:kinesis:/ElasticRecipientStream"
      - "aws-comm-serverless-kinesis"
      - type: "elasticsearch"
          # either elasticsearch_url or cloud_id, elasticsearch_url takes precedence
          # elasticsearch_url: "http(s)://domain.tld:port"
          cloud_id: "<cloud_id>"
          # either api_key or username/password, api_key takes precedence
          api_key: "<API_KEY>"
          # username: "elastic"
          # password: ""
          es_datastream_name: "logs-aws.cloudwatch-serverless"
          batch_max_actions: 500
          batch_max_bytes: 10485760
          ssl_assert_fingerprint: ""

Hi @pkward

You or your elastic Cloud admin needs to log into The elastic Cloud Cloud admin console and take a look.. The traffic filters are applied onto the deployment through the cloud console or perhaps terraform someone's doing that.
That's what's blocking your traffic

Okay, I'm the Cloud Admin but I'm unsure where to look for the Traffic Filter logs. I understand how traffic filters work and how to implement them. I guess from an ESF standpoint, how can I find the IP of the ESF to add to the traffic filter? Also, do I need to do anything additionally on AWS to allow outbound traffic from my ESF Lambda?

Steps by Step Instructions here

This is where you create them...

The when you manage a deployment ... you apply them on the deployment