Elastic Stack Hardware requirements

I have to setup the stack on a machine with limited hardware (4GB RAM, Ubuntu 20.04, 80GB SSD). I need to run Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana on this machine. I am facing various problem relative to the JVM, in both elasticsearch and logstash i have set the parameters Xms and Xmx to 1GB each. Elasticsearch and kibana work perfectly and the system available memory is more than 50% (more than 2 GB).
When i try to run Logstash it return the JVM's "not enought available memory" exception. If I increase/lower the Xms and Xmx in logstash and/or elasticsearch, one of the two services crash returning the memory exception.

I have made some tests on my laptop with same hardware (4GB RAM) but different OS (Win10) and everything worked fine.
Am I missing something?

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