Elastic Stack OIDC Google


I'm trying to get OIDC integration with google working without any success for quite some time.
Im using Elastic Stack as a Service

First I configured within Elasticsearch keystore:

Then I added the following config to all ES and the ML configurations:

>  xpack.security.authc.realms.oidc.google:
>       order: 2
>       rp.client_id: "my-client-id.apps.googleusercontent.com"
>       rp.response_type: code
>       rp.redirect_uri: "https://my-kibana.us-east-2.aws.elastic-cloud.com:9243/api/security/oidc/callback"
>       op.issuer: "https://accounts.google.com"
>       op.authorization_endpoint: "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth"
>       op.token_endpoint: "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token"
>       op.jwkset_path: "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs"
>       op.userinfo_endpoint: "https://openidconnect.googleapis.com/v1/userinfo"
>       claims.principal: "sub"

And this config to kibana:

> xpack.security.authc.providers:
>   oidc.oidc1:
>     order: 0
>     realm: google
>     description: "Log in with Google" 

Yet I get a 401 with this message:

[security_exception] unable to authenticate user [] for action [cluster:admin/xpack/security/oidc/authenticate], with { header={ WWW-Authenticate={ 0="Bearer realm=\"security\"" & 1="ApiKey" & 2="Basic realm=\"security\" charset=\"UTF-8\"" } } }

I've seen some threads about having a wrong claims.principal - I tested with "sub" and "email"
Google does not provide a claim for group mapping. Yet I tested with claims.groups: "", "groups" or removed that claim mapping

No idea where to go from here
As a side note: from a product mgmt point of view I guess it might be interesting to ease OIDC integration for common providers (google, microsoft, github)

Your elasticsearch logs will contain more information about why the failure happens

Have you seen our docs and this blogpost that describes the steps for setting up OIDC with google in detail ?

As a side note: from a product mgmt point of view I guess it might be interesting to ease OIDC integration for common providers (google, microsoft, github)

Thanks for the feedback! The blogpost should cover google and microsoft. Github is not an OpenID Connect provider unfortunately, they have their own bespoke protocol based on oAuth2.

sry for the late reply
that blogpost was the solution! thank you very much!!
You should consider adding that information to the documentation

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