I am using Nest version 7.11.1. I am trying to use DeleteByQueryAsync method of ElasticClient. Below is the code I am trying to make working.
var settings = await GetConnectionSettings("XYZTenant"); //// This method sets the setting.
I don't want to use below setting as it will set timeout for all my future request. As I am using the caching and returning same ElasticClient instance when needed in future.
settings.RequestTimeout(new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0));
ElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(settings);
await client.DeleteByQueryAsync<object>(dd => dd
.Query(qd => qd.MatchAll())
.Timeout(new Time(new TimeSpan(0, 7, 0)))
But it's getting timeout after 60 second as I have around 2 million record to delete.
So it is not waiting for 7 minute what I configured.
I am not sure what I am missing. Could anyone please help me here?
Thanks in advance.