Elasticdump doesn't work on https self signed certificate links

Hi all,

I'm trying to import an index data using elasticdump tool from an elasticsearch server which has self signed certificates.

--input=https://elastic:************@mysecureserver.link.com:9200/test-index \
--output=/Users/apple/Downloads/Elasticdump/test-index.json \

I'm unable to import any data to my local system
It says starting dump, but is unable to complete operation.

Any turnaround for this?

Thanks in Advance.

Hi @Sandeep_Raju

We are not really elastidump experts but looking at the docs here looks like there are options for self signed certs.

--cert, --input-cert, --output-cert
                    Client certificate file. Use --cert if source and destination are identical.
                    Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.
--key, --input-key, --output-key
                    Private key file. Use --key if source and destination are identical.
                    Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.
--pass, --input-pass, --output-pass
                    Pass phrase for the private key. Use --pass if source and destination are identical.
                    Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.
--ca, --input-ca, --output-ca
                    CA certificate. Use --ca if source and destination are identical.
                    Otherwise, use the one prefixed with --input or --output as needed.

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