ElasticLowLevelClient Documentation

Can anyone point me to new documentation for ElasticSearchLowLevelClient?

The new version 2.0.5 appears to have several breaking changes from the 1.0 client. Especially around the search call. Specifically:

ElasticsearchResponse searchResponse = ElasticLowLevelClient.Search(elasticSearchIndex, search, null);

elasticSearchIndex is a string naming the index.. Search is the search body which is a var of dynamic type and the searchrequest parameters i am setting to null but all 3 params are giving:

can't resolve method

Well so it was pretty simple in the end but not very clear.

Had to strongly type with DynamicResponse and Object

ElasticsearchResponse searchResponse = ElasticLowLevelClient.Search(elasticSearchIndex, (object)search, null);

Would be nice to have examples....

The sniffing client is completely changed to with Config params as TimeSpans etc.