ELASTICSEARCH_17 - Could not index '1' records: listener timeout after waiting for [30000] ms

We're using streamsets to send messages to Elasticsearch and are consistently getting the following error:

ELASTICSEARCH_17 - Could not index '1' records: listener timeout after waiting for [30000] ms

We've tried various approaches in streamsets and elasticsearch, such as:

  • Adding some additional http parameters(timeout)

  • Added Additional properties(Connection timeout, socket timeout, max retry timeout)

  • Deleting and recreating index

  • Increasing number of shards in Elasticsearch index

Anyone have an idea on how to remedy this?

Hello and welcome!

You need to provide more context about your issue.

First, what is streamsets? How are you sending your data to Elasticsearch?

Thank you! Streamsets is a tool used to interact with Kafka to create data pipelines. So in this case, we're consuming from a Kafka topic and writing to Elasticsearch in a stage where we specify the URI, index, etc.

Which version of Elasticsearch are you indexing into?

How is the cluster configured, e.g. with respect to security?

How are you configuring the connection?

Version 7.17.3.

We're accessing Elasticsearch via basic auth

Can you connect to Elasticsearch via curl from the machine where Streamset runs? If you are, I suspect the issue is with Streamset, which we can not help with here. If you are not able to connect it could be a network or Elasticsearch issue.

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