Elasticsearch-2.0.0-rc1 proxy authentified plugin


How input the login/pass of an authentified proxy.
elasticsearch-2.0.0-rc1/bin/plugin -DproxyHost=xxx -DproxyPort=xxxx install mobz/elasticsearch-head --verbose
Failed: IOException[Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required"]
login & pass -D properties needed.

I'm not sure we take that into account sorry. Could you raise a GH request for this?


The previous release (1.7.2 for me) has a -url parameter very usefull to
avoid this kind of proxy problem with url as file:///...

Anyway, I want to use the standalone HEAD plugin:

$ grunt --debug server.

  • Running "connect:server" (connect) task [D] Task source:
    Waiting forever... Started connect web server on localhost:9100. [D]
    server GET /_site/ 200 1040 - 15 ms [D] server GET /_site/base/reset.css
    200 532 - 30 ms*
    The connect button has no effet:

- 200-rc1 release.
2 images the "master" ES-XXX-9200 and the "HEAD standalone plugin":
The ES log say :

[2015-10-28 10:43:28,598][INFO ][rest.suppressed ] /_status
Params: {index=_status}java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No feature for
name [_status] at

- 172 release
2 images...
No trace in the log of connect attempt.

I hard test ES as many other:
http://jbigdata.fr http://jbigdata.fr

@JBData31 http://jbigdata.fr

With 2.0.0, just run:

bin/plugin install file:/// 

And we will detect that.

I think that HEAD might not have been updated.

$ elasticsearch-2.0.0-rc1/bin/plugin
ERROR: unknown command
[file:///work/_archives/elasticsearch-head-master.zip]. Use [-h] option to
list available commands


@JBData31 http://jbigdata.fr

Probably you did not notice that I updated my response.

So in short,

  • download file from your browser,
  • copy the file on your elasticsearch server and
  • use the "bin/plugin install file:" command

for example :

[root@localhost elasticsearch]# bin/plugin install file:/opt/elasticsearch/license-2.0.0.zip --verbose
-> Installing from file:/opt/elasticsearch/license-2.0.0.zip...
Trying file:/opt/elasticsearch/license-2.0.0.zip ...
Downloading .DONE
Verifying file:/opt/elasticsearch/license-2.0.0.zip checksums if available ...
NOTE: Unable to verify checksum for downloaded plugin (unable to find .sha1 or .md5 file to verify)
PluginInfo{name='license', description='Internal Elasticsearch Licensing Plugin', site=false, jvm=true, classname=org.elasticsearch.license.plugin.LicensePlugin, isolated=false, version='2.0.0'}
Installed license into /opt/elasticsearch/plugins/license

But I will be really happy to have a workaround to use plugin install with https uri and proxy / user parameters

Can this help? https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/plugins/current/_other_command_line_parameters.html#_proxy_settings