Elasticsearch 2.3.1 error with retrieve geo field

I'm using the "fields" option inside my queries...
when i used it on my 1.7 ES, i got results ok.
for example:

GET records/_search
"size": 20,
"fields": ["recordLocation"]

I got back results like:

"hits": [
"_index": "record",
"_type": "recordType",
"_id": "AVPCt3tP8YsyAZn1cl6R",
"_score": 1,
"fields": {
"recordLocation": [

Today i switched to Elastic 2.3.1, and the same query now returning

"hits": [
    "_index": "record",
    "_type": "recordType",
    "_id": "AVPqoCiyukfNLt2Gxpfw",
    "_score": 1,
    "fields": {
      "recordLocation": [

Is this a bug? or is there another way to retrieve the lat/lon?

OK, just saw the source_filter:

never mind :slight_smile: