Elasticsearch 6.5 Ingest node _pipeline convert processors field cannot support array list


        "convert" : {
            "field" : ["flowid", "qq_wechat_id", "curr_time"],
            "type": "long"

when i create _ingest/pipeline/accountlog-pipeline, it show "field property isn't string", but 'Document' Convert processor | Elasticsearch Guide [8.11] | Elastic

Converts a field in the currently ingested document to a different type, such as converting a string to an integer. If the field value is an array, all members will be converted.

curl --connect-timeout 2 -XPUT "" -d@pipeline.json -H "Content-Type:application/json"
"error": {
"header": {
"processor_type": "convert",
"property_name": "field"
"reason": "[field] property isn't a string, but of type [java.util.ArrayList]",
"root_cause": [
"header": {
"processor_type": "convert",
"property_name": "field"
"reason": "[field] property isn't a string, but of type [java.util.ArrayList]",
"type": "parse_exception"
"type": "parse_exception"
"status": 400

maybe i am wrong.
[field] property needs a string. the string can be include an Arraylist
i 'll try it in another way .

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