ЗАДАЧА РЕШЕНА = Ошибка после обновления ДО Elasticsearch 7.11

ЗАДАЧА РЕШЕНА = Лишние скобки у should
Собственно ошибка
'error' => [
'error' => [
'root_cause' => [
'type' => 'x_content_parse_exception',
'reason' => '[1:182] [bool] failed to parse field [should]',
'type' => 'x_content_parse_exception',
'reason' => '[1:182] [bool] failed to parse field [must]',
'caused_by' => [
'type' => 'x_content_parse_exception',
'reason' => '[1:182] [bool] failed to parse field [should]',
'caused_by' => [
'type' => 'illegal_state_exception',
'reason' => 'expected value but got [START_ARRAY]',
'status' => 400,

А вот сам запрос

   'url' => 'shop_items/_search',
   'method' => 'POST',
   'data' => [
       'query' => [
           'bool' => [
               'must' => [
                       'match' => [
                           'available' => 1,
                       'fuzzy' => [
                           'search_keywords' => [
                               'value' => 'набор',
                               'fuzziness' => 'auto',
                               'prefix_length' => 0,
                       'bool' => [
                           'should' => [
                                       'span_near' => [
                                           'clauses' => [
                                                   'span_multi' => [
                                                       'match' => [
                                                           'fuzzy' => [
                                                               'search_keywords' => [
                                                                   'value' => 'набор',
                                                                   'fuzziness' => 2,
                                                   'span_multi' => [
                                                       'match' => [
                                                           'fuzzy' => [
                                                               'search_keywords' => [
                                                                   'value' => 'набор',
                                                                   'fuzziness' => 2,
                                           'slop' => 0,
                                           'in_order' => false,
       'aggs' => [
           'shop_category' => [
               'terms' => [
                   'field' => 'shop_category',
                   'size' => 1000,
           'max_price' => [
               'max' => [
                   'field' => 'price',
           'min_price' => [
               'min' => [
                   'field' => 'price',
           'colors' => [
               'terms' => [
                   'field' => 'color.title.keyword',
                   'size' => 100,
               'aggs' => [
                   'colors_slug' => [
                       'terms' => [
                           'field' => 'color.slug.keyword',
                           'size' => 100,
           'gender' => [
               'terms' => [
                   'field' => 'gender.title.keyword',
                   'size' => 100,
               'aggs' => [
                   'genders_slug' => [
                       'terms' => [
                           'field' => 'gender.slug.keyword',
                           'size' => 100,
           'provider' => [
               'terms' => [
                   'field' => 'provider.title.keyword',
                   'size' => 100,
               'aggs' => [
                   'providers_slug' => [
                       'terms' => [
                           'field' => 'provider.slug.keyword',
                           'size' => 100,
           'vendor' => [
               'terms' => [
                   'field' => 'vendor.title.keyword',
                   'size' => 100,
               'aggs' => [
                   'vendors_slug' => [
                       'terms' => [
                           'field' => 'vendor.slug.keyword',
                           'size' => 100,
           'material' => [
               'terms' => [
                   'field' => 'material.title.keyword',
                   'size' => 100,
               'aggs' => [
                   'materials_slug' => [
                       'terms' => [
                           'field' => 'material.slug.keyword',
                           'size' => 100,
           'size' => [
               'terms' => [
                   'field' => 'size.title.keyword',
                   'size' => 100,
               'aggs' => [
                   'sizes_slug' => [
                       'terms' => [
                           'field' => 'size.slug.keyword',
                           'size' => 100,
           'country' => [
               'terms' => [
                   'field' => 'country.title.keyword',
                   'size' => 100,
               'aggs' => [
                   'countrys_slug' => [
                       'terms' => [
                           'field' => 'country.slug.keyword',
                           'size' => 100,
       'size' => 48,
       'from' => 1,
   'error' => [
       'error' => [
           'root_cause' => [
                   'type' => 'x_content_parse_exception',
                   'reason' => '[1:182] [bool] failed to parse field [should]',
           'type' => 'x_content_parse_exception',
           'reason' => '[1:182] [bool] failed to parse field [must]',
           'caused_by' => [
               'type' => 'x_content_parse_exception',
               'reason' => '[1:182] [bool] failed to parse field [should]',
               'caused_by' => [
                   'type' => 'illegal_state_exception',
                   'reason' => 'expected value but got [START_ARRAY]',
       'status' => 400,

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