Elasticsearch alias issue with filtering

Hi. I have on Index fullData where I store documents from various sources, having one field as docSource. After that, created an alias over this fullData to have a view over source='phone' with the following code:

POST /_aliases?pretty
 "actions": [
     "add": {
       "index": "fullData",
       "alias": "sourceData-phone",
       "filter": {
         "term": {
           "docSource": "phone"

I then created some Lens Visualizations, added to a dashboard and it all seemed fine.
The problem is when I want to add a filter using the "add filter" and select "docSource is", the dropdown is showing all the other sources from the main index. If I select "Web", it returns 0 rows but I don't want the user to know which sources we have available. Is there a workaround for this?

I'm using Elastic version 7.17

Thank you

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