Hi All,
I am new to ElasticSearch and currently I am using ElasticSearch to connect
to MongoDB for indexing and searching. I would like to implement keyword
auto-complete feature like search engines which provide a list of
suggestion keyword when user key in partial keywords. I had a document
which contains many fields and I only want the auto-complete keyword to
search on 4 fields (title, description, category and sub-category) . Below
is the index that I am creating:
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/testindex -d '
- "settings": {*
"min_gram": 1,*
"max_gram": 50,*
"token_chars": [*
"analyzer": {*
"edge_nGram_analyzer": {*
"type": "custom",*
"tokenizer": "whitespace",*
"filter": [*
"whitespace_analyzer": {*
"type": "custom",*
"tokenizer": "whitespace",*
"filter": [*
- },*
- "mappings" : {*
"Merchant" : {*
"_all": {*
"index_analyzer": "edge_nGram_analyzer",*
"search_analyzer": "whitespace_analyzer"*
"properties" : {*
"screenNm": {*
"type": "string",*
"index": "no",*
"include_in_all": false*
"categoryId": {*
"type": "long", *
"index": "no",*
"include_in_all": false*
"title": {*
"type": "string",*
"index": "not_analyzed"*
"desc": {*
"type": "string",*
"index": "not_analyzed"*
"index": "no", "include_in_all": false },"email": { "type": "string",
"createdAt": { "format": "dateOptionalTime",
"type": "date", "index": "no",
"include_in_all": false },
"subCategoryList": {* -
"properties" : {*
"subCategoryId": {*
"type": "long", *
"index": "no",*
"include_in_all": false*
"subCategory": {*
"type": "string",*
"index": "not_analyzed"*
"category": {*
"type": "string",*
"index": "not_analyzed"*
- }*
Below is my questions and I am hoping some of you could shed me some lights:
When I perform match query search on "_all" fields for keyword "food"
(I had set the returned record size to 6), I will get 6 documents which
match the *food *keyword in either of the fields (title, description,
category and sub-category). Result example as the following:• title=FoodPandaToyShop, description=Desc1, category=toy,
• title=Restaurant B, description=Desc2, category=foodcategoryA,
• title=Restaurant B, description=Desc3, category= foodcategoryB,
• title=Restaurant B, description=Desc4, category= foodcategoryC,
• title=Restaurant B, description=Desc5, category= foodcategoryD,
sub-category=dairySo the list of string that we want are FoodPandaToyShop,
foodcategoryA, foodcategoryB, foodcategoryC, foodcategoryD. We need to
find a way to massage the data because we will received document back from
ElasticSearch instead of text string. Is there a way to get the text
instead of the whole document?? -
Can we perform my scenario using completion suggester?? As I need to
perform search on multiple fields. -
Is performance a issue if I am using edgeNGram on large documents set?
Appreciate your help. Thanks a lot !!!
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