Elasticsearch cluster down: no known master node, scheduling a retry

UPDATE 7/17/2017
I restarted it and everything is ok now.
I guess based on my settings i needed a minimum of 3 nodes to be available for a master to to be elected and we didn't have 3 nodes at the time.
This was for Elasticsearch 5.4

We have a 5 node cluster which was running fine until last week. This week, even though processes seem to be running they are either not logging or logging errors like:
[o.e.a.a.i.c.TransportCreateIndexAction] [CO4SCH010031328] no known master node, scheduling a retry

My understanding is ES is by default in HA mode and I don't need to set anything specifically for that to happen other than these important settings:

cluster.name: mycluster
http.port: 9200
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["server1", "server2", "server3", "server4", "server5"]
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 3


What version are you on?
What does _cat/nodes show?

I restarted it and everything is ok now.
I guess based on my settings i needed a minimum of 3 nodes to be available for a master to to be elected and we didn't have 3 nodes at the time.
This was for Elasticsearch 5.4

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