ElasticSearch distinct results by multiple fields with pagination

I have index with bunch of events (user viewed page, clicked something and etc.). I have a page in the system where I need to display uniq results (only one row per user + event + itemId). It means if we have 7 rows like these

 {'userId': 1, 'event': 'view', 'itemId': "11"}
 {'userId': 1, 'event': 'click', 'itemId': "11"}
 {'userId': 1, 'event': 'view', 'itemId': "11"} // duplicate
 {'userId': 2, 'event': 'view', 'itemId': "12"}
 {'userId': 2, 'event': 'view', 'itemId': "11"}
 {'userId': 3, 'event': 'click', 'itemId': "13"}
 {'userId': 2, 'event': 'view', 'itemId': "12"} // duplicate

I want to get from Elastic Search only uniq rows where combination of userId + event + itemId is uniq

 {'userId': 1, 'event': 'view', 'itemId': "11"}
 {'userId': 1, 'event': 'click', 'itemId': "11"}
 {'userId': 2, 'event': 'view', 'itemId': "12"}
 {'userId': 2, 'event': 'view', 'itemId': "11"}
 {'userId': 3, 'event': 'click', 'itemId': "13"}

Also I need to support pagination for results.

I tried to use buckets aggregation, collapse but these options ether doesn't support pagination or multiple fields aggregation.


while you could use field collapsing for this, you may want to do this in a more clean way and take a look at data transforms allowing you to create a continouos process running in the background that collects and groups the latest data resulting in an easy to query index.

Hope this helps!


Hey Alex,

thanks for response! I will check this options.

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