When using the elasticsearch filter plugin to query previous documents, I'm wondering if there is an option to specify the previous days index.
For example, I have the below filter:
filter {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "ciscoasa-%{+y}.%{+MM}.%{+dd}"
query => "connection_id:%{[connection_id]}"
fields => { "direction" => "direction" }
This produces errors when the connections overlaps overnight. i.e the Built connection arrives at 23:59 and the Teardown connection (which this filter is triggered on) comes in the next day at 00:01.
I'm not wanting to specify _all
or leave it empty to query all indexes as there is a lot of indexes and believe this will slow down the query.
The only way I can think is to use "ciscoasa-%{+y}.%{+MM}*"
which would only cause it to produce errors when the month changes, albeit only for a few events.
Any suggestions?