Elasticsearch filter plugin doesn't work when using elasticsearch on cloud


I've noticed that Elasticsearch filter plugin wont work if you try to connect to a Elasticsearch cloud instance.
It seems it tries to append https:// twice (one already exists on cloud host resolution). Seems like a bug.

To reproduce:

 elasticsearch {
        cloud_id => "XXXXX"
        api_key => "XXXX"
        ssl => true
        query => "_id:%{[abc]}"
        add_field => {"exists" => "true"}

Follow the error:

Pipeline error {:pipeline_id=>"main", :exception=>#<Manticore::ResolutionFailure: https>,

I see this log that prints the URL that will be used:

New Elasticsearch filter client {:hosts=>[{:host=>"https://xxxxxx.eastus2.azure.elastic-cloud.com:9243", :scheme=>"https"}]}

Maybe the scheme is being added before the host, duplicating it?

The Elasticsearch output plugin works fine though.

Elasticsearch version: 7.16.2
Logstash version: 7.16.2


That definitely looks like a bug to me.

The elasticsearch outputs hosts option is of type uri. The code that fills in the hosts option based on the cloud id adds the schema, which is good.

The elasticsearch filter hosts option is type array, and I believe it expects those array entries to be "host:port" strings. The code that fills in the host option based on the cloud id is almost but not quite the same as the code from the mixin, which the filter does not use. It is still adding the schema, but I do not think it should at present. Of course, since the code is specific to the filter, not shared with the output, it is trivial to fix it by not adding the schema.

That said, there is an unmerged (and currently conflicted) PR from 2019 which would change the hosts option on the filter to accept

  • a valid RFC3986 URI with scheme, hostname, and optional port
  • an ipv4 address, optionally followed by a colon and port number
  • a hostname, optionally followed by a colon and port number
  • a square-bracketed ipv6 address, optionally followed by a colon and port number
  • a bare ipv6 address

so maybe the intent was to accept URIs. Who knows?

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