Elasticsearch hangs during initialization

Hi ,

Elasticsearch startup hangs and doesnt proceed further even if it was given 8 gb heap.

Version of Elasticsearch used in 2.4.0 and Operating system is Linux

Here is the log that got generated so far before it get stuck

2019-03-11 17:37:38,099 [il INITIALIZE_SEARCH] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( org.elasticsearch.node) INFO - [22C38D9EE989DB878B3D3A552B5DD6F6] version[2.4.0], pid[1355], build[0151b36/2016-09-23T11:28:10Z]
2019-03-11 17:37:38,099 [il INITIALIZE_SEARCH] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( org.elasticsearch.node) INFO - [22C38D9EE989DB878B3D3A552B5DD6F6] initializing ...
2019-03-11 17:37:39,855 [il INITIALIZE_SEARCH] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( org.elasticsearch.plugins) INFO - [22C38D9EE989DB878B3D3A552B5DD6F6] modules , plugins , sites
2019-03-11 17:37:47,620 [il INITIALIZE_SEARCH] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( org.elasticsearch.env) INFO - [22C38D9EE989DB878B3D3A552B5DD6F6] using [1] data paths, mounts [[/shared (C: net usable_space [521.3gb], net total_space [1000gb], spins? [possibly], types [nfs]
2019-03-11 17:37:47,620 [il INITIALIZE_SEARCH] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( org.elasticsearch.env) INFO - [22C38D9EE989DB878B3D3A552B5DD6F6] heap size [8gb], compressed ordinary object pointers [unknown]

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