ElasticSearch Index combinations of tokens with delimiter


I am using ES version 6.8.1 & I am indexing below document in index.

    PUT test/_doc/1  -->1
    {"test_data": "hello test 1"}

    PUT test/_doc/2  -->2
    {"test_data": "hello@test@aip"}

    PUT test/_doc/3  -->3
    {"test_data": "hello-test-aip"}

My search usecase is below:

GET test/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "test_data": "hello@test"
Result: 2

GET test/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "test_data": "hello-test"
Result: 3

GET test/_search
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "test_data": "hello test"
Result: 1,2,3

For this, my approach is to index the doucments as below:

hello-test => hello, test, hello-test,
hello@test@aip => hello, test, aip ,hello@test, test@aip, test@aip, hello@test@aip

I am searching filters/tokenizers to index the data in above format but none worked till now.
Please help me if there is any filter/tokenizer to index data like this or any other way to achieve this use case.

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