I am trying to use the ES input plugin for logstash to further manipulate some data and reinsert the data into ES.
I have a logstash filter like this:
input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [
index => "radio-2019.12.16"
query => '{
"query": {
"match": {
"_id": "iYzVEG8BVKyVzDtpHTCW"
docinfo => true
user => "admin"
password => "xxxxx"
filter {
json {
source => "message"
mutate {
remove_field => ["method"]
if [queryString] =~ "^\?aw_0_\w*" or [queryString] =~ "^\?amsparams" or [queryString] =~ "^\?listenerid" {
kv {
source => "queryString"
field_split => "&?"
target => "queryParams"
remove_field => ["queryString"]
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug
but the output is not modified from the original.
The "mutate" field is still there and the "queryString" field is not divided.
"src_ip" => {
"as_org" => "Wind Tre S.p.A.",
"latitude" => 43.1479,
"location" => {
"lat" => 43.1479,
"lon" => 12.1097
"ip" => "",
"longitude" => 12.1097,
"asn" => 1267,
"continent_code" => "EU",
"country_code3" => "IT",
"country_name" => "Italy",
"country_code2" => "IT",
"timezone" => "Europe/Rome"
"userAgent" => {
"os_name" => "Other",
"os" => "Other",
"device" => "Other",
"name" => "Other",
"build" => ""
"bytesSent" => 2919631,
"sysloghost" => "ms-radio-edge03.farmcal.med.priv",
"facility" => "radio",
"@timestamp" => 2019-12-16T22:29:59.000Z,
"response" => 200,
"referer" => "-",
"appname" => "nginx",
"queryString" => "?aw_0_1st.version=6.9.7%3Aandroid28&aw_0_1st.ts=1576535180&aw_0_1st.playerid=mediamondvirgin_android_player&aw_0_awz.listenerid=dc7a6614-56ec-4fdc-8ea6-34e2c76ab625&aw_0_req.lmt=0&aw_0_1st.gpslat=43.1918&aw_0_1st.gpslong=13.3733&sdkiad=1&call=1&aw_0_req.permissions=C10010CCCC&aw_0_1st.suppstatus=LOC_OK-SON_NOI&aw0_req.uiMode=1&aw_0_awz.appVers=5.1.1:76",
"userAgentLog" => "UserAgent",
"@version" => "1",
"severity" => "INFO",
"relativeUrl" => "/Virgin.mp3",
"clientIpType" => "external",
"requestTime" => 218,
"method" => "GET"
Could you give me some help ?
Stefano Bossi