ElasticSearch MetricBeat indexing issue


I have installed MetricBeat on my Windows system. And started it. In the configuration metricbeats.yml I have set the elasticsearch property as follows

_ # Array of hosts to connect to._
_ hosts: [""]_
_ template.name: "metricbeat"_
_ template.path: "metricbeat.template.json"_
_ template.overwrite: false_

Now when I start my MetricBeat, I repeatedly get this message in the logs

Can not index event (status=400): "MapperParsingException[mapping [default]]; nested: MapperParsingException[No handler for type [keyword] declared on field [hostname]]; "

What is the issue here?

Is it due to compatibility? My ElasticSearch version is 1.4.x and MetricBeats is 5.5.x

Please do let me know.

Per MetricBeat compatibility with ElasticSearch, you need a newer version of Elasticsearch.

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