ElasticSearch nested objects - get unique fields with thier respected values

We are a bit confused on how to store the following data to retrieve it later with ease. We will have a million records, of following type :

"width" : 720
"height" : 200
"coords" : [{
"el" : "xyz",
"x-y" : "100-50"
"el" : "abc",
"x-y" : "200-150"
"width" : 1280
"height" : 1000
"coords" : [{
"el" : "lmn",
"x-y" : "400-50"
"el" : "abc",
"x-y" : "500-250"

What type of aggregation query we will need to run to get the data in following form. As of now, i could only search for queries which return unique values with thier respective count (no. of occurances).

"el" : "xyz",
"x-y" : ["100-50"]
"el" : "abc",
"x-y" : ["200-150","500-250"]
"el" : "lmn",
"x-y" : ["400-50"]

We have created a mapping, where "coords" is of type nested. We can still change the mapping to get the better performance and results as we are still in development phase.

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