I am using the NEST API with Elasticsearch.NET, and Visual Basic. With the latest version of Elasticsearch how can I create an index so that the when a file is indexed the entire file content is not stored on the server?
Below are my current calls to Indices.Create and PutPipeline. My understanding is that the AllField constructor is now obsolete and ignored - but I think this is what stopped the file content from being stored in in previous versions with the CreateIndex method.
Dim result = client.Indices.Create(index_name,
Function(ms) ms.Map(Of IndexFile)(
Function(m) m.AutoMap().AllField(
Function(al) al.Enabled(False)).Properties(
Function(ps) ps.Object(Of Nest.Attachment)(
Function(a) a.Name(
Function(n) n.Attachment).AutoMap()))
Function(a) a.Analysis(
Function(aa) aa.Analyzers(
Function(am) am.Custom("filename_analyzier",
Function(ca) ca.Filters("lowercase", "stop").Tokenizer("whitespace"))))))
Dim putPipelineResponse = client.Ingest.PutPipeline("attachments",
Function(p) p.Description("Document Attachment Pipeline").Processors(
Function(pr) pr.Attachment(Of IndexFile)(
Function(a) a.Field(Function(f) f.FileContent).TargetField(
Function(f) f.Attachment)).Remove(Of IndexFile)(
Function(r) r.Field(
Function(f) f.Field(Of String)(
Function(ff) ff.FileContent)))))