Elasticsearch Ngram sort by the nearest results

I have the following settings and analyzer:

               "token_chars":["letter", "digit"]
               "filter":["lowercase", "asciifolding", "nGram_filter"]
               "filter":["lowercase", "asciifolding"]

And I posted the following data into it:

        "autocomplete": "Service Provider organisation 3 01254 25742"
        "autocomplete": "Service Provider test 2 132455 132455"
        "autocomplete": "Service Provider organisation 2 78900 6521"
        "autocomplete": "VOYAGES ANSELMINO 30876168300025 382510022"
        "autocomplete": "Service Provider test 1 32722 21211"
        "autocomplete": "SP recherche autocomplete 7897788 7897788"

And here is my query:

  "query": {
    "match": {
      "autocomplete": "pro or 7"

The result that I get is sorted by _score.

can someone explain to me how can i diplay the nearest result first.
that means, when i enter 'pro or 7', i have to get the result in that order

  • Service Provider organisation 2 78900 6521 ==> ('Provider' contains 'pro', 'organisation' contains 'or', '78900' contains '7')
  • Service Provider organisation 3 01254 25742 ==> ('Provider' contains 'pro', 'organisation' contains 'or', '25742' contains '7')
  • Service Provider test 1 32722 21211 ==> ('Provider' contains 'pro', '32722' contains '7')
  • Service Provider test 2 132455 132455 ==> ('Provider' contains 'pro')
  • SP recherche autocomplete 7897788 7897788 ==> ('7897788' contains '7')
  • VOYAGES ANSELMINO 30876168300025 382510022 ==> ('30876168300025' contains '7')

You should use multi fields to generate a sub field named autocomplete.keyword with keyword type. Then sort on this field.

i don't think that this approach can show me the nearest result first

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