I have set up elasticsearch, kibana, logstash, and packetbeat. I have an issue with elasticsearch not creating indexes, and therefore no data is getting to it.
The flows I am testing are:
- packetbeat-> elasticsearch
- logstash-> elasticsearch
My configuration is as follows:
system1 ( ubuntu 16.04.1, elasticsearch 5.1.1, kibana 5.1.1, logstash 5.1.1-1-1 . Installed using apt, all default locations used.
system 2: ( red hat 7.1 with packetbeat 5.5.1-1-1, install using yum and all default locations used.
I am trying get get data logstash->elasticsearch, and packetbeatbeat->elasticsearch, and visualize them in kibana.
In both the logstash and packbeatbeat logs I am getting "index_not_found_exception" errors and thus cannot see any data in elasticsearch (and therefore kibana).
My logtash.yml file:
node.name: hl142
path.data: /var/lib/logstash
path.config: /etc/logstash/conf.d
http.host: ""
http.port: 9600-9700
log.level: info
path.logs: /var/log/logstash
the errors in the logstash log is:
[WARN ][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Failed action. {:status=>404, :action=>["index", {:_id=>nil, :_index=>"logstash-2016.12.27", :_type=>"logs", :_routing=>nil}, 2016-12-27T01:19:10.244Z hl142.local More data again], :response=>{"index"=>{"_index"=>"logstash-2016.12.27", "_type"=>"logs", "_id"=>nil, "status"=>404, "error"=>{"type"=>"index_not_found_exception", "reason"=>"no such index", "resource.type"=>"index_expression", "resource.id"=>"logstash-2016.12.27", "index_uuid"=>"na", "index"=>"logstash-2016.12.27"}}}}
the packetbeat.yml file is as follows:
packetbeat.interfaces.device: any
timeout: 30s
period: 10s
enabled: true
ports: [5672]
ports: [9042]
ports: [53]
include_authorities: true
include_additionals: true
ports: [80, 8080, 8000, 5000, 8002]
ports: [11211]
ports: [3306]
ports: [5432]
ports: [6379]
ports: [9090]
ports: [27017]
ports: [2049]
hosts: [""]
template.name: "packetbeat"
template.path: "packetbeat.template.json"
template.overwrite: true
username: "elastic"
password: "changeme"
logging.level: info
The error in the packetbeat log is
WARN Can not index event (status=404): {"type":"index_not_found_exception","reason":"no such index","resource.type":"index_expression","resource.id":"packetbeat-2016.12.27","index_uuid":"na","index":"packetbeat-2016.12.27"}
According to the doc, the above packetbeat configuration is supposed to automatically add the index template, but apparently it did not do this due to the above error. I also tried running the command to manually load the index (curl -XPUT '' -d@/etc/packetbeat/packetbeat.template.json), no output was returned but it did not give me an error.
When I issue the command curl --user elastic:changeme to view the existing indexes, I get the following:
yellow open .monitoring-kibana-2-2016.12.24 nAWRkNYaQb6PG8DmEqgs0w 1 1 17277 0 3.5mb 3.5mb
yellow open .monitoring-es-2-2016.12.23 r45ientZTpmr_fA-D5Dluw 1 1 67924 48 27.1mb 27.1mb
yellow open .monitoring-kibana-2-2016.12.25 -hEV89KeTtGM1iUyW44rYg 1 1 17275 0 3.4mb 3.4mb
yellow open .monitoring-es-2-2016.12.26 DYZJMLnsSX2R3adFHKOp8Q 1 1 137210 209 58.5mb 58.5mb
yellow open .monitoring-kibana-2-2016.12.23 KlT9KljUQnKYBQMhDhMi2A 1 1 13629 0 2.9mb 2.9mb
green open .security RErg66ENQbC0rX1j_QflyQ 1 0 1 0 4.4kb 4.4kb
yellow open .kibana Su74Qs5LTZWD3nEjdk1ApA 1 1 83 43 187.6kb 187.6kb
yellow open .monitoring-es-2-2016.12.25 VtRAzXOeRr-5RquoRr5Rig 1 1 119460 144 49.3mb 49.3mb
yellow open .monitoring-data-2 H0lC7w_VTJiye6X3kbAFhg 1 1 4 0 14kb 14kb
yellow open .monitoring-es-2-2016.12.24 JHwNiBPVQO-4n4yXdNgqeQ 1 1 102453 84 41.5mb 41.5mb
yellow open .monitoring-es-2-2016.12.27 BQ5j1cnvRXa9BuizfLB-OA 1 1 103416 225 44.6mb 44.6mb
yellow open .monitoring-kibana-2-2016.12.27 8IpkuUiZRe2YLs5GUSs1-A 1 1 11045 0 2.4mb 2.4mb
yellow open .monitoring-kibana-2-2016.12.26 E-K5tQoJTDSK3PqK7FtPLw 1 1 17266 0 3.5mb 3.5mb
the elasiticsearh logs do not show any errors, and no mention of problem building indexes. Running the API serach for either logstash-* or packebeat-* returns the same result:
"took" : 1,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 0,
"successful" : 0,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 0,
"max_score" : 0.0,
"hits" : [ ]
So... any ideas on what I have missed, or other things to test, are welcome. I have used the online documentation but sometimes it seems it is still written for earlier versions of the products.