Elasticsearch on-premise (docker) is not loading: "Can't reach this page"

I'm trying to run elasticsearch locally, so I had installed docker then deployed elasticsearch image.

But I'm getting" "Cannot reach this page" when loading it. (the docker itself is running, but the web interface is not accessable)

I adding localhost to elasticsearch.yml

I tried to change some values in config jvm.options
I had tried enabling:



or increasing the memory in:

didn't help too!

Hello and welcome,

You need to provide more information.

Are you using docker compose? What does your compose looks like? Please share your compose or the cli you are using to start your cluster.

Where? localhost means that it will only be accessible from where it is running, if it is running on a container, it will not be accessible by external containers.

You mean Kibana? Elasticsearch does not have a web interface, the web interface is done using Kibana, which is another different tool.

I'm using docker desktop, on my Mac machine, this is my localhost.
I meant by the web interface: localhost:9200, localhost:9300

see attached screenshot

You need to share the entire elasticsearch.yml, it is not clear if you set it right.

You need to set network.host to, if you set it to localhost this means that you cannot access it from outside the container.

It is also not clear what you tried to access, did you use http or https ? You need to use https.

Keep in mind that port 9200 is not a web interface, is the API endpoint of Elasticsearch.

Thanks, managed connecting using https.

I was using Pinecone as a vectore store, and creating indices, viewing the vectors etc. is reflected/managed by a GUI, so I had an expectation that I'll have the same.

But I found a browser extension "elasticvue" that might be good enough for that purpose:

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