I have elasticsearch-php code to index documents. Until now that works perfect but now i'm having error when try to index document.
This is the error:
Fatal error: Uncaught Elasticsearch\Common\Exceptions\BadRequest400Exception: {"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/hemeroteka/pdf/?pipeline=hemeroteka] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405} in /var/www/web/vendor/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/src/Elasticsearch/Connections/Connection.php:615
This is my php code to index:
$client = Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder::create()->build();
$params = [
'index' => 'hemeroteka',
'type' => 'pdf',
'id' => $name,
'pipeline' => 'hemeroteka',
'body' => [
'data' => $base64,
'publi' => $publi,
'sek' => $sek,
$response = $client->index($params);
What do you think is happening?