ElasticSearch phrase search not working for wildcard search

I have a word index and I can't search phrases on elasticsearch. there is no result. I check tons of solutions but I can't implement them to my query.

My mapping looks like this;

PUT /words/_mapping
  "properties": {
    "text": {
      "type": "keyword"

(if the type is text everything worked as expected)

My elastic query looks like this;

GET /words/_search
  "from": 0,
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "filter": [
          "bool": {
            "should": [
                "query_string": {
                  "default_field": "text",
                  "default_operator": "AND",
                  "query": "*foo bar baz*"
  "size": 100,
  "track_total_hits": true

But there is no data

_id _index _score _type text

I expect the record that has `foo bar baz` value,

_id _index _score _type text
drDzzYQBu3ncIuw4vn10 words 0.0 _doc foo bar baz

What is the problem? Could someone help?

You should change your text field type to use text type family, e.g. text or match_only_text instead of keyword.

I can't change the type because the code will ship to the prod server and I can't modify any prod elastic index. it works on only word searching. Is there any solution I can do?

Your query should match text field containing value foo bar baz.

Try to remove default_operator.

Just a suggestion, but you don't need a nested bool > should within bool > filter, unless if this query is part of a larger query.

It's a larger query :slight_smile: I can't share company material, so I modify the query.

My purpose is to search phrases or words `default_operator' to help to this .

Your query string is matching by phrase because you are using keyword field type.

With a keyword field you’ll need to use a wildcard query but there are some important caveats. This blog should give you all the background Find strings within strings faster with the Elasticsearch wildcard field | Elastic Blog

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