ElasticSearch Proximity Query

hi all,

i have two two document in my index like

{"doc":"trying out Elastic and Search"}
{"doc":"trying out Search and Elastic"}

when i apply this query it works fine

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/sumitproximity/proximityindex/_search' -d '{
"query" : {

"query_string" : {
    "default_field" : "message",
    "query" : "\"Elastic Search\"~1"

"highlight" : {
    "fields" : {
        "message" : {}


but i want to implement proximity between terms. is it possible with ElasticSearch ?

Sumit Gupta


i am confused about "message": ""Elastic Search"~2" this line i mean to say that in which way the 2 is working...

Sumit Gupta