Elasticsearch Query String Query | Escaping double quotes


I am finding difficulties in searching over characters like double quotes using query string query.

I have indexed a single document with the default standard analyzer.

	"key" : "  \" "

My search query is :

{"from" : 0, "size" : 20,  "query": {
    "bool": {"should": [{
          "query_string": {
            "query":" \" ",
				}	}
			],"minimum_should_match":1}},"highlight": {
        "type" : "unified",
        "fields": {
            "*": { 

This leads to "search_phase_execution_exception".
Even though I have parsed the double quotes in my query using backslash, I am not able to parse it correctly. I can only use query string query and not go with any other queries.
Am I missing something here?


Read this and specifically the "Also be patient" part.

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