Elasticsearch query without date range

I wonder how does an elasticsearch query work without a date range?

Is there a default size of the result?

For example, what if I just only use lte for the range. Does query result include all the records from the first record to the lte value?



Thank you @dadoonet.
What if there is no date range? Is giving size better and make faster the query?

If you don't have any query, it's faster. But if you have a query, reducing the number of indices by adding a time filter will also be faster to run the search.

What is exactly your question?

Okey, here is my question: if I define the parameter "size" in the query below, will it be faster? If not how can I make faster that query?

query: {
  bool: {
    must: [
        bool: {
          should: [
              match_phrase: {
                logTag: LOG1
              match_phrase: {
                logTag: LOG2
          minimum_should_match: 1
    filter: [
        range: {
          @timestamp: {
    should: [
    must_not: [
aggs: {
  status: {
    top_hits: {
      docvalue_fields: [
          field: Severity
          format: use_field_mapping
      _source: [
      size: 1
      sort: [
          @timestamp: {
            order: desc

If you have only one shard, I don't think it will change a lot. If you have time based indices you might be able to see a difference.

But the best thing to do is to test it :smirk:

Okey, thanks...

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