Elasticsearch Remove remove duplicae and descending order

I have news articles form multiple sources saved and each source have different category I need to write a query which will reverse time sort the article also i don't need more than 3 articles from a particular source I am using the below query but the results are wrong can any one tell me what am i doing wrong.

					  "query": {
						"bool": {
						  "must": [
							  "match_phrase": {
								  "category": "Digital"
							  "match_phrase": {
								  "type": "Local"
                      "dedup" : {
                          "field": "source"
                               "sort": [
                                      "pub_date": {
                                          "order": "desc"
                              "size": 2
                    },"sort": [
                        "pub_date": {
                          "order": "desc"

See field collapsing

I tried the following query but it solved my problem partially. after running the below query i am only getting one result of each source but i want to allow upto 3.

    "query": {
        "bool": {
						  "must": [
							  "match_phrase": {
								  "category": "Digital"
							  "match_phrase": {
								  "type": "Local"
    "collapse" : {
        "field" : "source.keyword",
         "max_concurrent_group_searches": 3
    "sort": [
        "pub_date": {
          "order": "desc"

Any solution?

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