Elasticsearch returning a document that is missing a term

I am looking for 2 terms in a document (innovu and implement) by using the following query in Kibana:
GET esdbfindcases/esdbfindcases_map/500d000000sOxzuAAC/_explain
"query": {
"bool": {

                    "must": [

                        {"terms": {"google:content": ["innovu", "implement"]}}



It returns a match as below:
"_index": "esdbfindcases",
"_type": "esdbfindcases_map",
"_id": "500d000000sOxzuAAC",
"matched": true,
"explanation": {
"value": 1,
"description": "ConstantScore(google:content:implement google:content:innovu)",
"details": []

But when I run:
GET esdbfindcases/esdbfindcases_map/5000V000017hoDrQAI?pretty

I get the document there is no implement in the entire document. What could be going on?


Could you provide a full recreation script as described in About the Elasticsearch category. It will help to better understand what you are doing. Please, try to keep the example as simple as possible.

A full reproduction script will help readers to understand, reproduce and if needed fix your problem. It will also most likely help to get a faster answer.

My upload into Elasticsearch if fairly large. I cannot put it in a script. Is there a way I could upload files. I could then let you know the details of how to reproduce the problem.


My upload into Elasticsearch if fairly large.

Sure but you mentioned that:

I get the document there is no implement in the entire document

So may be just create a recreation script with a single document.

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