ElasticSearch script query incorrect values

Hello everyone, I'm trying to apply this query

GET rdbms_sync_idx/_search
                                       "source":"(doc['bogoDeals.bogoDealOptions.bonusQuantity'].value + doc['bogoDeals.bogoDealOptions.minQuantity'].value) >= doc['quantity'].value",

I'm trying to retrieve the documents where (bogoDeal.bogoDealOption.bonusQuantity + bogoDeal.bogoDealOption.minQuantity) >= quantity, the only problem with the query above is that no matter what I do doc['quantity'] always returns the value of 0.

Here is what my document looks like


I tried the painless & expression languages, with both I have the issue of not being able to retrieve the value of quantity, I think it might be because I'm doing a script in a nested of nested, is there any solution to this issue? if so please attach code with your comment, really appreciated!

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