Elasticsearch script weak at handle string change while use for loop?

Elasticsearch really weak at handle string change. i have a script like this

def newSegment;

if(params.data !=null){
for (entry in params.data.entrySet()){
    if (entry.getValue() != null) {
      ctx._source[entry.getKey()] = entry.getValue();
    else {

if (params.segment != null) {
  if(ctx._source.segment_ids == null){
    newSegment = ' ';
  newSegment = ctx._source.segment_ids;

  if (params.segment.include != null) {
    for (inc in params.segment.include){
        if (!newSegment.contains(inc)){

          if(newSegment == ' '){
            newSegment = newSegment.trim() + inc;
          else {
            newSegment = newSegment + '|'+inc;

  if(newSegment !=' '){

    if (params.segment.exclude != null) {

      for (exc in params.segment.exclude){
        def temp = '|'+exc+'|';

        if (newSegment.contains(temp)){
          newSegment = newSegment.replace(temp,'|');

        temp = exc +'|';

        if(newSegment.contains(temp) & newSegment.indexOf(exc)==0){
          newSegment = newSegment.replace(temp,'');
        temp = '|' + exc;
        if(newSegment.contains(temp) & newSegment.indexOf(exc) == newSegment.length()-exc.length()){
          newSegment = newSegment.replace(temp,'');
        if (newSegment.contains(exc) & newSegment.length() - exc.length() ==0){
        newSegment = newSegment.replace(exc,'');

  if(newSegment == ' '){
  ctx._source.segment_ids = newSegment

and here is my update body


every thing is fine if exclude is have little element, but when it have more element like example above, it return false result

here is the response

  "_index" : "v3_customers_33167",
  "_type" : "_doc",
  "_id" : "33167:999999",
  "_version" : 52,
  "_seq_no" : 16994624,
  "_primary_term" : 9,
  "found" : true,
  "_source" : {
    "customer_id" : "999999",
    "segment_ids" : "111111111122222222223333333333444444444455553"

segment_ids field should be deleted, not response like that. is it because I use replace too much time?, it's still fine with include, don't need to know how much element in it

I recall there being a limit to the number of loop iterations but do not seem to be able to find anything in the current documentation around this. Maybe somone from Elastic can shed some light on this.

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my script logic is false. I have edited it and it is working well now. thank you for the info about the limit of for loop in ES

Could you please paste the solution?

def newSegment;

if(params.data !=null){
for (entry in params.data.entrySet()){
    if (entry.getValue() != null) {
      ctx._source[entry.getKey()] = entry.getValue();
    else {

if (params.segment != null) {
  if(ctx._source.segment_ids == null){
    newSegment = '|';
  newSegment = '|' + ctx._source.segment_ids+'|';

  if (params.segment.include != null) {
    for (inc in params.segment.include){
        if (!newSegment.contains(inc)){

            newSegment = newSegment +inc + '|';
  if(newSegment !='|'){

    if (params.segment.exclude != null) {

      for (exc in params.segment.exclude){
        def temp = '|'+exc+'|';

        if (newSegment.contains(temp)){
          newSegment = newSegment.replace(temp,'|');

  if(newSegment == '|'){
  ctx._source.segment_ids = newSegment.substring(1,newSegment.length() -1)

here is my new script

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