Elasticsearch; Sequence searching in nested fields


I am trying to do a sequence searching in elastic search using nested fields.
I have two fields:

  1. Event Id:
  2. Events - which is a nested field. This nested field has two fields:
    a) Id: Any number associated with the event
    b) Event Name: Name of the event happened

I am trying to see sequences in Event Names and want to return the Id of the first sequence match.
Pasting my index mappings and the sorting that I have done till now.

Can somebody please suggest, how I can go about with the sequence search. Thanks in advance.

PUT nested_events
"mappings": {
"log": {
"properties": {
"Events": {
"type": "nested"
"type" : "integer"


PUT /nested_events/log/1
"EventID": 3,
"Events": [
"Id": 10,
"Event Name": "A"
"Id": 11,
"Event Name": "B"
"Id": 12,
"Event Name": "C"
"Id": 13,
"Event Name": "B"
"Id": 14,
"Event Name": "A"
"Id": 15,
"Event Name": "B"
"Id": 16,
"Event Name": "A"
"Id": 17,
"Event Name": "A"
"Id": 18,
"Event Name": "C"


And this is my sort query on the nested fields:
GET /nested_events/_search
"sort": {
"Events.ID": {
"order": "asc",
"mode": "min"

Input: AB
Expected Output:
Id: 10
Id: 14

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