Elasticsearch - Shard issue

I am a newbie to Elasticsearch, so please be patient as I am troubleshooting
a system that was not built by me. I have a single server running redis,
elasticsearch, and logstash. Everything was running great on the system
until it just started failing. When I look at Kibana, I see 'No index found'
error message. When I try to look at the node status, it gives me
"error":"IndexMissingException[[nodename] missing]","status":404

Where do I begin to troubleshoot this issue? When I look at the
elasticsearch log I see:

org.elasticsearch.indices.InvalidTypeNameException: mapping type name is

followed by:
[Failed to start shard, message
[IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[nodename-2015.01.17][4] failed to
recover shard]; nested: IllegalArgumentException[No type mapped for [0]]