Elasticsearch string query char to char


I need an index with phash indexed (64 length) and I have to query comparing char to char, for example:



I marked as bold the char that are equals in same position (12 in this case). I'd like to query like that and if is possible with a minimal of equals character for match as result.

I tried with fuzzy query but have limit of 2 interpolations as limit.
I tried too with span near query but I haven't any result, maybe something wrong with mapping.

My current mapping is:

  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "phash": {
        "type": "text",
        "term_vector": "with_positions"

And the query that I tried with span near query is:

  "query": {
      "filter": [
          "span_near": {
            "clauses": [
                "span_term": {
                  "phash": "d1b269d06ec8158d62333679ab6693e6bccd43761692e6c26527dcddd84c8196"
            "slop": 60,
            "in_order": false

I use text and term_vector to be able to use span queries. I had keyword before to test fuzzy query.

Any idea or suggest?

Thanks in advance,

Any idea about that?


64 fields - one for each char would be manageable.
64 query clauses of the type c1:d OR c2:1 OR c3:b OR c4:2 would also be manageable.

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