Elasticsearch Subscription for CCR

Good day team,

I want to ask about the subscriptions for CCR features. Currently we have 2 ELK clusters on DC and DRC, and we planning to replicate some of the indices from DC to DRC (one way). Both of the clusters have basic license and we're planning to buy the subscriptions to use CCR features.

My question is, can i buy the subscriptions only on the DC Cluster ? since the DRC Cluster only receiving data from DC Cluster and not the other way around.

Hi @Leonadius

Both / All Clusters that are used for CCR need to have commercial licenses.

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Thanks for the quick response.

I see, so it needs the subs on both of the clusters. Ok then, i probably need to find other usecases to maximized the features.

Thank you once again for the quick response.

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