Elasticsearch update the document without updating the existing field value

Trying to update a specific field in elasticsearch through logstash. Is it possible to update only a set of fields through logstash ?

Please find the code below,

input {

file {
path => "///logstash/bin/*.log"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
type => "multi"

filter {
csv {
separator => "|"

elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "logstash-data-monitor"
fields => [["JSON_COUNTRY","G_COUNTRY"],

if [G_COUNTRY] {
mutate {
update => { "D_COUNTRY" => "%{D_COUNTRY}"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "logstash-data-monitor"
document_id => "%{GEOREFID}"
We are using the above configuration when we use this the null value field is getting removed instead of skipping null value update.

Data comes from 2 different source. One is from XML file and the other is from JSON file.

XML log format : GEO-1|CD|23|John|892|Canada|31-01-2017|QC|-|-|-|-|- JSON log format : GEO-1|AS|33|-|-|-|-|-|Mike|123|US|31-01-2017|QC

When adding one log new document will get created in the index. When reading the second log file the existing document should get updated. The update should happen only in the first 5 fields if log file is XML and last 5 fields if the log file is JSON. Please suggest us on how to do this in logstash.

Tried with the above code. Please check and can any one help on how to fix this ?

i dont know

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