ElasticSearch very slow after upgrade 5.6.2 to 6.6.1

today I upgraded a single node (Windows Server 2012R2) ElasticSearch installation to 6.6.1 from 5.6.2

The node has a single Index with 133.000 docs (2Gb ElasticSearch reserved RAM)
After upgrade I deleted and recreated the index.

Unfortunately I'm experiencing a very slow-down in all the operations

A simple "browser query" (ie: /_search?index=search_3&q= tv %20led*&size=50&default_operator=AND&sort=_score:desc) took 10x more time as before.

With 5.6.2 it tooks 39ms
With 6.6.1 it tooks 500ms in every circumstance

What is wrong with my upgrade path?

After some test i uninstalled the 6.6.1 and reinstalled 5.6.2 and now all works as before.

I suspect this might be due to you querying without specifying a field and the fact that the _all field has been removed. How large are your documents? How many fields?

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